Friday, October 18, 2019

World population Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

World population - Essay Example Hundreds of years ago Thomas Malthus forecast that the world’s population will surpass the earth’s feeding resources. In fact Malthus predicts that a world population collapse will result from the over demand for the world’s food resources by an overly large population.(World Population) After all these years, the world population continues to boom and although there are a large number living in abject poverty, it is not as a result of a lack of food. There are those who argue that the over population is on the decline as a result of increased infant mortality and low birthrates. Moreover, humanity will come to an end as a result of depletion of the earth’s ozone layer, pollution and toxic waste long before the population begins to die out as a result of an imbalance between food supplies and population numbers. When one looks at the distribution of the world’s population it is arguable that as long as the population growth is stable and sustained in countries such as Canada, the United States and European nations, the world’s food supply will not be endangered. Moreover, immigration to cities will not become a fact capable of threatening civilization as we know it. The significance of the population growth locations is relevant to the consumption of food. American’s consume almost 40 times as much food as Asians. Canadian’s and Europeans eat almost as much as the Americans. In other words there is more than enough food to go around. But thankfully, North American and Canada are not among the countries experiencing massive population growths.(World Population) Sixty percent of the world’s population is located in Europe. China alone hosts 20% of the world’s people. India, hovers dangerously close to China with 16% of the world’s population. Africa is not far behind with 12% of the world’s population. Europe hosts 11% of the world’s people and North America accounts for 8% of the world’s

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