Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Arguments Supporting An Opt Out Organ Donation System

The arguments supporting the use of an opt-out organ donation system Elizabeth Grice - 1101 Convenor – Dr Stuart Oultram RS1 Word Count: Abstract Introduction England currently practices an opt-in system of organ donation. The waiting list for organ donor transplants exceeds 10,000 meaning that people are losing their lives everyday due to a shortage of donor organs. It has been suggested for a while that England adopts the opt-out system, in order to increase donation rates and decrease the number of people dying whilst waiting for an organ transplant. This systematic review aims to present the different ethical arguments supporting a change of organ donation system to opting-out instead of opting-in. Methodology The search engines ‘scopus’ and ‘philpapers’ were used to find the literature needed to carry out this systematic review. Certain inclusion criteria were used to narrow down the results; this was done by using extra refining tools and tick boxes. In order to be included in this review, the papers had to express the arguments for an opt-out organ donation system. Results Using the search engines and inclusion criteria, five appropriate papers were chosen. Within these papers a number of themes were noted. These themes were then chosen to be explored within the discussion section. Conclusion The systematic review brought to light the many different ethical opinions and views towards the change in the organ donation system to an opt-out system. It is not clearShow MoreRelatedShould Human Organs Be Traded or Sold Within the United States? 1427 Words   |  6 PagesHuman Organs Be Traded or Sold Within the United States? What’s the Right Thing to Do? As news points out â€Å"everyday seventeen people die waiting for organ transplants.† These deaths could simply be prevented by having a system in place that could provide a service to these helpless individuals. 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