Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Opportune the future Social Issues

Whether your elbows feel offended if they are asked to leave the table, or your fingernails constantly suffer from being the victims of your mouth, bad habits, will always haunt us. It is not easy to totally eliminate or cease continuance of these habits. However, what we need to do to get rid of our habits, is to maintain the ability to weigh the pros and cons of our dreadful practices. More importantly, we need to keep our nation, and our people away from the horrid habit of marijuana usage. It is not necessary to say yes. It is not necessary to encourage legalization. As of today, the nation stands behind three basic ideas of what to do with marijuana; legalize it, make it legal for medicinal purposes only, or keep it as it is, illegal. Through the development of society and the advancement of technology, humankind has constructed many ways to make bad habits appear good. Many argue that the legalization of marijuana will improve our economy, and aid those suffering from diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and various cancers. This article is designed to cut through the fog of misinformation and manipulation with cold, hard facts. The proposal of legalization has been approached without carefully considering the negative impingement on a person's psyche, one's societal values, the impact on a person's health, and the detrimental effect on one's basic ethics and morals. When the issue of legalization is debated, the medical aspects are always the first factor that is brought into the light of day, while other imperative portions of the issue are left to lie in the dust. Though when it is looked upon, there are many aspects concerning marijuana that can be considered harmful. When marijuana is consumed, it is taken into the body and affects the brain directly, disabling it to think normally. When someone on a â€Å"high† is spoken to, they seem very relaxed and carefree. This, to some may be a positive effect but in reality has been thought of as a definite negative. Paranoia and panic invade the users mind, giving them an unreal perception of reality. Short-term memory, coordination, learning, and problem solving are all factors that negatively affect the brain. How can all these destructive ideas be good? How can the unpleasant possibly succumb and overtake the â€Å"supposed† positives†? Marijuana is a very potent chemical compared to other psychoactive drugs. All the effects listed previous are long term, damaging effects that an individual will be left with. If a person were to use marijuana for medicinal purposes, it can be proposed that in the short term it may be doing good, but in the long term, with all the side effects being left behind; the arguments in support outweigh the disadvantages. The damaging effects of this drug have short-term effects as well, that disturbs and contorts the minds thinking. Research shows that marijuana is not physically addictive, but it can be psychologically addictive. When a person believes he or she is addicted, the feeling stems into a higher usage causing a cycle of detrimental effects. Some short term effects that may be caused by the dangerous drug are problems with memory and learning, distorted perception, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, loss of coordination, increased heart rate, anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks. All these things clutter the mind causing chaos and can lead to dreadful occurrences. Staring at all the things that are able to happen to the mind psychologically, gives the understanding that just because it may be useful in one case does not mean it will be valuable in senses of the overall case. With this said, the question of legalizing marijuana comes into play. Looking at the facts laid out in front of you thus far, the conclusion of what to decide can be made easy. Ethics are defined as a set of principles concerning correct conduct and moral values. One must realize that every single person has a different interpretation of ethics. However, how can society conclude that legalizing marijuana is ethical? It stands to reason that if this behaviour is currently prohibited by law and follows with a severe punishment, it must be widely and clearly judged to be immoral. Canada is on the verge of facing a drug problem, and this problem extends towards all citizens. The children of today, the future leaders of our society will be open to drug usage because inevitably, marijuana smoking will be just as common as the smoking of cigarettes. And why will the government let children grow up in a legal drug-abusing world? Only for selfish and immoral reasons like money. The most potent question to ask is; if marijuana is legalized, is it really worth it to throw all known morals into the trash, and let children be nurtured in a drug filled society? Marijuana promotion is also unethical. If this drug is legalized it will also be promoted, maybe not directly but just the fact of legalization will affect the decisions of millions worldwide. Rules and regulations are what hold civilizations together. When rules are broken there is a certain shaking of the society in consequence of the broken rule. If marijuana is legalized, there will be no more rules to enforce the usage of the drug, thus slowly leading to a deterioration of society. To legalize or not to legalize? That is the question. A question that is running through many peoples' thoughts. The legalization of marijuana is a controversial debate that may never satisfy those in favour of it and against, in the end. Although the final decision is one made by the Ontario Government the impact the new law will have on society is heavily taken into consideration because of the influential role Marijuana has on our modern day society. The legalization of marijuana will have a negative impact on our society mainly because it becomes an invitation for children and adults to use the drug regularly. Children are not one to argue with what is legal, giving them an incentive to smoke marijuana as they do cigarettes negatively effecting their education and future. Although there are many children using marijuana, as it remains illegal, the difficulty of getting a hold of the drug and using it continues to be high. Some people argue that the legalization of this drug will increase the economic conditions of our nation not taking into account the increase in the number of people dependent on the drug. Thereby increasing the amount of money needed to run drug addiction programs, welfare for those who spend away their lifesavings on the drug and an increase for hospital beds and emergency rooms for those who get themselves overdosed or in a medical bind because of the drug. Where would the government find the time and money to support the needs and uses of marijuana? Through a social perspective the legalization of marijuana is detrimental to our society as it corrupts the lives of our children who are our future. When marijuana enters the bloodstream it acts significantly on the brain and the nervous system. Many physical effects take place such as; the heart rate is elevated from an average of 70 beats per minute to 130 or more due to the marijuana smoke containing carbon monoxide. This smoke impairs the oxygen carrying ability of the blood resulting in extra stress placed on the heart because it must work harder to move the blood throughout the body. Marijuana smoke also contains high amounts of tars and irritating chemicals, which damage the throat, windpipe, and lungs. Fungus infections have been found in 50% of marijuana smokers in a study at the University of Wisconsin. These infections (caused by aspergillis fungus) may lead to allergies or serious lung infections from inhaling the fungal spores into the lungs. In addition, marijuana also affects the body's system of fighting infection and its production of hormones, which control important body activities. You begin to have trouble with motor skills, walking, talking, and coordination. It is clear that there are many powerful and complicated immediate effects, which take place when marijuana is absorbed into the bloodstream. This leaves an individual unaware of his/her surroundings and actions, thus making them unfit to make decisions on their own. In addition, smoked marijuana contains more than four hundred different chemicals, including most of the hazardous chemicals found in tobacco smoke. However, a substance called Marinol has been developed for patients who suffer from diseases marijuana can ease. This substance has been studied and approved by the medical community and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the nation's watchdog over unsafe and harmful food and drug products. There are no FDA-approved medications that are smoked. Though many persistently argue that medicinal marijuana will relieve the pain of those who suffer from various diseases, it is clearly proven that they are wrong. In essence, marijuana does not need to be legalized for medicinal purposes. There is already an FDA approved drug being administered to those who need it. Legalization for even medicinal purposes will not drastically ease pain. Ironically, the smoking of this drug threatens to increase the health issues of these patients. Marijuana has often been touted as one of the safest recreational substances available. This is perhaps true. Nonetheless, It would be fallacious to conclude that because the chemicals in marijuana have been found to present fewer dangers than some very harmful substances, the medical or recreational use of marijuana is perfectly safe. In fact, it is simply ridiculous. These arguments and presumptions concerning the legalization of marijuana are more fictitious than a fairy tale. In fact, legalizing marijuana will cause a deterioration of one's health rather than restoring it. There is still a great deal of research to be done concerning the effects of marijuana on humans. This is due to the fact that widespread marijuana use has only become prevalent in this country within the last two or three decades. Therefore, the effects of long-term use are just beginning to become apparent. Should Marijuana be legalized? It is evident that many people who support this bill generally try to construct this horrid habit into something good. Psychologically, ethically, socially and medically, studies and debates are continually pointing a thumbs-down sign for the plan of marijuana legalization to be executed.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Manuel Barkan and his contribution to art education

Contemporary generation of young art educators are being introduced to significant figures in the history of art education in their programs of study. In today’s fast-paced environment, it is natural that some of these figures are accepted without question and some are left languishing in history only to be revisited by those interested in revising that history. Manuel Barkan could be considered such a figure. An individual who emerges as a pivotal force in the development of ideas now infused in contemporary art education is Manuel Barkan who in 1965 advocated a then new approach to the curricular content of art education: the use of the roles of the art historian, the art critic, and the aesthetician as well as that of the studio artist. Today these ideas seem so commonplace that it’s difficult to imagine just how radical they were when they were first introduced. The purpose of this paper is to examine Barkan’s work and its effect on contemporary art education in order to understand current practice and philosophy of art education. About half a century ago, Barkan (1962) addressed the importance of historical reflection in an article published in Art Education titled â€Å"Transition in Art Education: Perceptions of Curriculum Content and Teaching† and asserted that he believed the next decade would â€Å"bring some truly fundamental changes in the theory and practice of art education† (Barkan, 1962, p. 12). He went on to say that â€Å"when basic ideas are in the process of transformation, there is and must be an inevitable grinding of opinions one upon the other. There must be inevitable controversy and debate, because old ideas by their very nature, cannot and do not change unless and until they are challenged by new ones† (p. 12). The transformation of which he spoke was the shift from the child-centered approach of the progressive movement to the disciplined-centered approach advocated for general education. Another essential Barkan’s point concerned the kind of behavior a person must learn in order to achieve understanding from the subject being studied. He stated that to learn through art, â€Å"one must act like an artist† (p. 14). Barkan (1962) also spoke of the need to treat children as artists and explained the characteristics of the artist as â€Å"immersion in a medium,† and â€Å"determination †¦ to achieve the discipline and the skills involved† (p. 18). He cautioned against organizing curriculum simply to give students experiences in a wide range of media, an approach he considered â€Å"detrimental to the purposes which art education ought to be trying to achieve† (p. 17). Instead, he thought students should engage is some exploration of media so that they could discover a medium they liked and be able to â€Å"use it to express their ideas† (p. 18). The art room should, in Barkan’s words in the 1962 article, re-create the â€Å"atmosphere of an artist’s studio† (p. 18). In 1965 Barkan proposed a research and development center for aesthetic education to the U.S. Office of Education; the plan called for a consortium of five universities each with research and curriculum development labs (Hubbard, 1971). According to Chapman (1993), the plan was not funded due to the federal government’s position that all of the arts must be included, making the initial plan too complex. Barkan continued to refine the idea. Barkan turned to television as a tool for disseminating resources and curriculum concepts for the teaching of art. By that time, he had begun to work with Laura Chapman, and together they developed Guidelines for Art Instruction through Television for the Elementary Schools for what became National Instructional Television. In 1970, he and Chapman published Guidelines for Curriculum Development in Aesthetic Education as a guide for educators working to develop curriculum materials in music, dance, theater, literature, and the visual arts. Elliot Eisner, writing in a 1971 issue of Studies in Art Education that focused on Barkan’s work, stated that â€Å"throughout his career in art education, Manuel Barkan concerned himself with both the development of more adequate theory and the improvement of the art of teaching art† (p. 4). In fact, Barkan believed that art education could promote a more sensitive understanding of social problems. His first book, A Foundation for Art Education, published in 1955, presented a synthesis of then â€Å"current concepts from psychology, sociology, anthropology, cultural history, philosophy and the arts† (Barkan, 1955, p. vi). According to Chapman (1971), Barkan was concerned with the growing number of sometimes questionable classroom activities that were being justified as forms of creative self-expression. He sought to better define the term in relation to â€Å"concepts about human behavior growing out of research in other fields† (Barkan, 1955, p. vii) and to develop â€Å"a foundation for art education that would rest on a synthesis of this information in the context of operational problems in teaching† (Chapman, p. 40). Barkan’s book was an effort to develop a strong philosophical foundation for art education built upon research in other disciplines. Today, the idea that the curricular content of art education should encompass artmaking, art history, art criticism, and aesthetics is generally widely accepted. Art teachers address these components of art education in a manner that takes into account the nature of the child and the importance of both making and responding to art. Art has become a subject for study, but it retains its ability to teach us about ourselves and the others with whom we share this world. That art education is still engaged in transition is without doubt, and, is in fact, desirable. Postmodern thought, feminist perspectives, and multicultural concerns are but a few of the contemporary issues that influence today’s emerging art educators. However, an understanding of the history of our field and the work of key individuals such as Manuel Barkan can provide insight and guidance as we continue the ongoing â€Å"transition in art education† that he addressed in 1962. Works Cited List Barkan, M. â€Å"A transition in art education.† Art Education, 15.7 (1962): 12-27 Barkan, M. A Foundation for Art Education. New York: The Roland Press, 1955. Chapman, L. H. â€Å"A second look at A Foundation for Art Education.† Studies in Art Education, 13.1 (1971): 40-49. Chapman, L. H. Reflections on the theory and practice of curriculum development in art. Paper presented at the National Art Education Association Convention Super-Session III, Chicago, IL, 1993. Eisner, E. â€Å"Media, expression, and the arts.† Studies in Art Education, 13.1 (1971): 4-12. Hubbard, G. â€Å"The professional leadership of Manuel Barkan.† Studies in Art Education, 13.1 (1971): 70-72.   

Monday, July 29, 2019

Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Research Report - Essay Example The reasons for the rise of spirituality were diverse ranging from religion to superstition. People felt empowered and believed that they had a sense of direction when they get involved in spirituality. These findings open new doors for the governments in these countries which can create policies that can make people engage in more productive activities and make them rely less of spirituality for peace of mind and self-esteem. But the results also showed rise in happiness level and self-esteem. The success of spirituality can be harnessed to make people feel fulfilled. This study investigates into the phenomenal rise of spirituality in the western countries. Many things such as astrology and meditation have existed in the Oriental civilizations such as India, China and Japan. But these are being adopted by the western countries at a very fast pace. The purpose of this report is to investigate this issue by asking four major questions – There have been many studies on the rise of spirituality. Author of the book The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins, made a documentary called The Enemies of Reason. In that he argued that people believe in superstitions in order to escape hard realities of life. He wondered on the rise of spirituality at a time when science was giving answers to most of the problems. With these studies in the background, this study identifies the need to investigate the real reasons behind rise of spirituality in current age. This research is very important as it can provide an insight into the psychology of people and may also identify a social drift taking place in the western society. This research will address questions that aren’t usually asked in developed countries. Questions such as are people happy with the material prosperity, and are they seeking for some form of escape through spirituality, will be addressed by the present study. People, throughout the world, look for new experiences that would satisfy them.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Human resource issues (A REPORT) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human resource issues (A REPORT) - Essay Example Organizations that display this commitment are also characterised by a distinct culture of service leadership and role modelling by top management. It is probably more difficult for competitors to duplicate high performance human assets than any other corporate resource. In both the industry, the way service is delivered by this human resource can be important source of differentiation as well as competitive advantage. In addition, the strength of the customer/frontline staff relationship is often an important driver of customer loyalty (Bove & Johnson, 2001). Service staff plays a key role in anticipating customers needs, customizing the service delivery, and building personalized relationships with customers with ultimately lead to customer loyalty. Highly motivated employees remain at the core of service excellence and becoming a key variable for creating and maintaining competitive positioning and advantage (Hemp, 2002). The important impact of service staff on customer loyalty w as integrated and formalized by James Heskett and his colleagues (1994) in their research on the service-profit chain. The authors demonstrate the chain of relationships between; Unlike manufacturing, all the service staff in hospitality or retail industry remains in continuous contact with customers and Schneider & Bowen (1993) shows that employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction are highly correlated. Organisations have opted various HR tools and practices over the year to attain the success. Attractive compensation packages are used to attract good quality staff. Broadened job designs are accompanied by training and empowerment practices that allow frontline staff to control quality. With more focussed recruitment, more intensive training, and better wages, employees are likely to be happier in their work and to provide higher quality, customer pleasing service. Regular customers also appreciated the continuity in service relations resulting in lower

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Assistive Technology (AT) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assistive Technology (AT) - Essay Example Further, from the many types of specialized devices, it can be seen that different capabilities require different forms of AT to improve, maintain and increase (Gillespie, Best & ONeill, 2012). The approximate number of students using AT in K-12 classrooms in North East Ohio is 150,000 (Carlson, 2005). The number of persons using AT in schools is increasing mainly because making AT accessible to them is a legal requirement. Every child or student is mandated to receive equal learning opportunities regardless of their disabilities of functional capabilities. To this end, more users of AT are enrolled in schools. Then, the effectiveness of AT is also an encouraging factor that leads more parents and guardians to enroll students in schools. Further, the funding of AT is primarily placed on school districts by federal law, which makes it more accessible to the growing number of students in need of them. It is recognized that disabilities will not just go away or get cured like most ailments. In fulfilling the mandate of availing equal opportunities to every citizen, the federal government acknowledges that persons with disabilities can use ATs to compensate certain disabilities, work around them and even leverage their strong points (Purcell & Grant, 2005). Therefore, the access to AT for persons with disabilities is mandated because AT will facilitate their endeavors towards becoming more independent, be it at home, school, work or throughout life. AT further helps persons with disabilities to lead healthy and productive lives. The law requiring persons with disabilities to have access to AT is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), revised in 1997 and 2004. It mandates that all children under special education must have their AT requirements considered by the respective school districts. It is crucial for special education teachers to write the device and a plan for use in the IEP because it will

Karyotyping (cellular chemistry) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Karyotyping (cellular chemistry) - Assignment Example DNA strands are systematically wound around several times over to permit storage without sacrificing the efficiency of regulated translation of the coded information into proteins, which are essential molecular components of biological processes (Gilbert 9). Defect in the highly-organized structure chromosomes will thus inhibit either the regulation of gene translation, or the translation process itself. Karyotyping is the examination of chromosomes of a particular sample of cells to detect differences in the chromosomes’ number and structure. Cells may be obtained from amniotic fluid, blood, bone marrow, or placenta. As mentioned earlier, such aberrations manifests physically and functionally. For example, chromosomal aberration may affect fetal development, especially when the site of defect involves genes necessary for molding a child from a unicellular zygote. In such cases, either a couple cannot produce an offspring and continuously suffer miscarriages, or physical abnormalities and functional defects are evident after their baby is born. The abnormalities may manifest as soon as the baby has been delivered, or may take some time to be observed. In addition, chromosomal aberrations can also predispose someone to develop certain diseases, such as cancer (Chambers 2009). When karyotyping was performed on a 28 year old male complaining of infertility, it was determined that he has an extra X chromosome, a condition known as Kleinfelter’s syndrome. This extra copy of X chromosome, specifically the genes that come with it, interferes with the proper function of testes in its production of viable sperm cells and testosterone. Each can exclusively cause the infertility experienced by the patient. Moreover, he might also have had small testes, large breasts, and reduced facial and body hair. The patient is also predisposed to developing breast cancer and systemic

Friday, July 26, 2019

Long Term Care Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Long Term Care Insurance - Essay Example There are many reasons why retirees have suddenly started to consider the worth of long term care insurance policies. The main reason is however the dramatic increase in the insurance premiums. Buying insurance policies for long term care is basically gambling where risks, cost, and benefits can be calculated. These policies are not like the other insurances where the costs and risks are low but benefits are high; such as fire insurance. The insurance policymakers use tactics to sell their insurance policies by touting scary advertisements about probabilities of seniors spending life in nursing homes. Where the insurance premiums are too high, the benefits are comparatively lower. With insurance premiums of about $2500 annually, 60 year olds and other Americans do not purchase the insurance.The second main reason is due to several misconceptions that Americans have about long term care and insurance policies. The lack of awareness programs have led to many misconceptions which were h ighlighted during several surveys that took place recently on why Americans won’t buy long term care insurance. The biggest misconception that people had was that Medicare is going to cover their long term care. The truth is it does not due to the current system of long term care, the benefits provided by Medicare and Medicaid has reduced. Many Americans also believe that they are too young to buy long term care insurance while others also believe that long term care is already included in their health insurance policy.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Copyright in digital media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Copyright in digital media - Essay Example The 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) embodies the legislative shift from treating various products as public resources to seeing them as corporate assets (Wright 83). DMCA was designed to give corporate content producers, â€Å"global protection from piracy in a digital age† (Wright 83). Different viewpoints on the ideology and goals of copyright laws are embedded in the history of copyright protection. Some support it for the interest of owners and publishers/producers, others oppose it because it breaches the First Amendment and lacks consideration for diverse stakeholders, while several people offer alterative ideologies and licensing solutions. For Tighter Regulations and Implementation of Copyright in Digital Media Chloe Albanesius writes for PC Magazine and she reports an example of implementation of copyright laws in the Internet. She describes the agreement between ISPs and content companies: â€Å"Do you subscribe to HBO or did you illegally download [a T V episode]? If it's the latter, you might find yourself in receipt of a warning from your ISP, thanks to a new agreement between Hollywood studios and service providers.† She notes that ISPs and media firms believe that with the help of one another, they can stop illegal sharing online. Furthermore, Albanesius illustrates how their collaboration works through the â€Å"Copyright Alert System.† Several warning stages are present in this system: Going forward, users will get a notice if they are suspected of illegal downloading. If they ignore that message, the ISP might resort to pop-ups or redirecting to special Web sites that display the alert. If those too are ignored, the ISP will turn to â€Å"mitigation measures,† which could include throttling or permanent re-direction to a warning landing page until contact is established. (Albanesius) The system aims to protect copyright through several security layers. Albanesius depicts how ISPs and content owners work together for a tighter implementation of copyright laws. The strengths of Albanesius’ article are her specific example of copyright implementation and the description of the role of ISPs in copyright law, while its main weakness is not interviewing Internet consumers and their reactions to the â€Å"Copyright Alert System.† Albanesius provides a specific example of copyright implementation, which concretizes the actions that the government and ISPs are taking to protect copyright owners. By describing how â€Å"Copyright Alert System† works, including its limitations, she fully explains it to Internet users. Moreover, Albanesius illustrates the role of ISPs in copyright law. ISPs have a large role to play in ensuring that copyright law is applied in the digital sphere (Albanesius). Their support is critical to the effectiveness of these laws (Albanesius). Despite these strengths, Albanesius does not interview other stakeholders. Her article does not have intervi ews with Internet consumers, and so readers will not know their reactions to the â€Å"Copyright Alert System.† Readers will not know how users, especially those involved in accessing P2P sharing websites, feel about this system. Without user feedback, it will be hard to know if they follow copyright laws or not. Albanesius’s article enlightened readers about the actual implementation of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Markting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Markting - Essay Example For example, while considering an automobile company, the customers have a number of different demands, like speed, performance, roominess, while others have demand pertaining to the looks, safety, economy and also the engine power. Thus, the needs are different for different customers and a company cannot accommodate all the demands into one product. There have been various studies that have been conducted and these show that companies which choose one group of customers over another tend to be more successful. Segmentation is not a simple decision and in a number of cases it requires the companies to take extremely tough choices. Taking the example of WM Soft Drinks company, there are a number of variables that are related which need to be considered before segmenting the customers, these include factors like, a) preference in tastes vs. the number of calories, b) preference in the tastes, i.e. cola or non cola, c) price Sensitivity and d) or even heavy versus light customers. Targeting: The next step that needs to taken is targeting. This is where the companies target one or more segments. The choice of the target markets is based on a number of factors. This includes analyzing the existing segments that are catered to by other manufacturers. In this case it would be best to choose the segments that are catered to by smaller companies and local soft drink companies. This will provide WM Company with a fair idea of the target market based on which the company can move forward and start targeting customers and build strategic plans based on this. Positioning: This involves the implementation of the previous section, i.e. Targeting. One of the best examples of this is of Apple Computers. The company has created a brand image for itself by high number of advertisements. It has positioned itself in the markets as computers for ‘non geeks’. Similarly if the WM soft drinks need to position their own products of ‘First – Fruits’ it

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Journal - Essay Example On the same day I started to research McGraw Hill Publishing which I should have began much earlier for the details of my business class. I was trying to find out the definition of love. Various interesting questions were disturbing me. I was thinking that when any body is in touch with someone for quite some time then whether he/she would be in love with that person. On September 16, I went to visit the grave of my mother accompanied by my brother. After reaching there we found that the gates were closed. I doubted whether we would accomplish anything by praying from the gates of grave instead of doing it from the grave. After that we ate together. We had a good time together after quite some time. On that day my father had a fight with my step mother and once again the issue of fighting was my brother. I think my brother should ignore her (my step mother) if he can not have share healthy relationship with her. On September 19, I could not wake up early and as a result I missed the prayers. I was upset because the prayer takes place once a year and I missed it just because of my laziness. I realized that next time I need to wake up early in the morning so that I can attain it in time. September 19 was a nice holiday, because my sister and her husband came to our place and spent the day with us. It was actually quite boring to stay everyday at an empty house just with my parents. On that day a interesting question came in my mind. I asked myself whether the concept of throwing away all sins into a fish bowl really make any sense or not. The last day began with the visit to the synagogue. On this day, my brother-in-law got to see an unusual sight. It was about the killing of fish in the synagogue. He was not comfortable with the sight. We did not have such feelings as we had become quite used to it. It was a inspiring holiday for me. I learnt

Monday, July 22, 2019

IP Address Schema Design for a Medium-Sized Business Essay Example for Free

IP Address Schema Design for a Medium-Sized Business Essay IP Address Schema Design for a Medium-Sized Business The following IP schema is designed to fit the needs of the Warehouse Company. The company has purchased and installed all of the required equipment for the network infrastructure. After consulting with their design team and gathering the required documentation and network designs, we are ready to proceed. The network design requires an IP schema that will minimize the cost of public IP addresses. Due to this requirement we will use a Class B IP address solution with a default subnet mask of 11111111. 11111111.00000000.00000000 or I am calculating the need to have 2 possibly 3 public IP addresses. In order to meet the IP requirements for the company’s 367 devices that include 260 hosts for Boston, 80 hosts for Dallas, 12 hosts at Seattle, 4 general servers and 3 DMZ servers, I will use the network address The broadcast IP address is172.16.1.255. The subnet mask will be The /23 will support 512 hosts, leaving 145 available hosts. The IP address ranges are assigned as follows: Boston (280) through Dallas (80) through Seattle (12) through General Servers (4) and network equipment through The DMZ servers with out-going rules set will be through The link-local unicast IPv6 network address will be fe80::ac10:0, the broadcast address will be ff00::ac10:1ff. This equals 119 bits and the host range will be from fe80::ac10:1 through fe80::ac10:1fe.

How did Wolsey rise in status from Essay Example for Free

How did Wolsey rise in status from Essay 1500-1516 During 1500 and 1516 Wolsey rose from simple butchers son to Cardinal of the church. He was the boss of Englands administration, meaning he had to keep control foreign policies and Englands domestic matters. He was a man of great stamina and a man of great intelligence and organisational skills. He was an intellectual child and went to Oxford University. After coming out of university, Wolsey works for Nanfan in Calais he is asked to work for Henry VII but refuses. When Nanfan dies Wolsey goes to London to work for Henry VII, Wolsey is liked due to being hard working and amazing at organising. When Henry VII dies Henry VIII succeeds the throne, the new king wants to go to war with France. Although his fathers advisers; Fox, Warham and Surrey disagree he goes ahead with the plan. Henry VII needs money, Wolsey comes up with the idea of bringing back subsidies, this raises the huge amount of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100,000. By doing this Wolsey gets close to the king and Henry realises how hardworking Wolsey is, and therefore gives Wolsey control of logistics. Henry wins the war and sees just how useful Wolsey is, during the war Henrys adviser Surrey had stepped aside (he didnt go to France) letting Wolsey take glory from the war. While England is in France Scotland attack, they loose their king and Surrey wins the battle, he is made Duke of Norfolk. After Fox retires, Warham is removed as an advisor, and Wolsey is appointed Cardinal. Wolseys rise is quick and almost impossible. The argument that Elton presents is that Wolsey makes his way to Cardinal by force, i.e.; pushing people out of the way to make way for himself. That Wolsey is just a bully who manipulates people to get what he wants. Whereas Gwyn says that Wolsey was just a very hard worker who was admired by people very much and deserved his promotions and positions he was given. We see Wolseys manipulating and evil side when he takes over the war and pushes Surrey out of the way. Here we see how Wolsey uses his intellect to manipulate Henry VIIs way of thinking, after this Henry thinks of Surrey as not as influential and useful as Wolsey. By taking over the logistics in the war Wolsey shows his passion for war and that he has a cruel side too. Luckily Surrey fends of Scotland, and impresses the king and rather than being forgotten like Wolsey wants he is made Duke of Norfolk. To put an end to the new-formed alliance between Spain, France and the Holy Roman Empire he was sent to a conference and decided that he would trade Mary Roses hand in marriage to Louie for peace and agreement. This shows he is willing to give the kings relatives away to get a result and ultimately stay in power, or even get promoted. When Wolsey gets back to England he starts talking about how Fox is not doing his job and how he wasnt even in France at the time of the negotiations. This is most likely due to the fact that Fox was also Bishop of Exeter and was concentrating on that rather than his negotiating duties. Wolsey uses this as an excuse to say that Fox is lazy and isnt doing his job properly. Fox finally leaves his post in government due to Wolsey, thus meaning Wolsey gains more authority and power. Wolsey then proceeds to get Warham removed, this is because the king does not like Warham and getting rid of him will mean the king likes Wolsey more. Warham is still Arch Bishop of Canterbury, and therefore still has some authority over Wolsey. To counteract this Wolsey gets the king to make him Cardinal. This makes Warham almost useless and his position irrelevant. Wolseys manipulating and bully-like ways got him into very high power, but to do so he got rid of his opposition with force. Gwyn takes a very different approach to Elton and says how Wolsey was an honest and very hardworking man, who had the interests of the country at heart. Wolsey starts his career by devising an ingenious scheme that would get the king what he wanted without having to raise taxes on the everyday man. After impressing the king Wolsey was rewarded by being given the job of logistics in the war. This was likely done to trial him as government representative. Wolsey works ridiculously hard during the war so that all the calculations and logistics are correct. As a result he wins the war against France. When Wolsey comes back to England he finds Fox to be old and encourages him to retire, so he can relax after such a long time serving the king. Fox agreed that he was old and should stop work. For such good work the king makes Wolsey, Cardinal. Warham is bitter about this, as he does not like the way in which Wolsey operates. Wolsey then proceeds to stop the illegal happenings of Warham and gets revenue from Warhams property. We can see that both views can make sense, but I feel that Wolsey made it to the top by a mix of the two. I think that he was genuinely hard working and clever, but also encouraged people to leave the government. This way of thinking is more believable than someone who was totally evil or perfect. It was likely that if you did something good for the king every so often he would promote you, and this is exactly what happened. Therefore if you bring Eltons and Gwyns ideas together then you are more likely to get a true representation of what Wolsey was really like and how he got his high status.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Multimedia In Future Generation Systems Computer Science Essay

Multimedia In Future Generation Systems Computer Science Essay This paper discusses about the mobile multimedia used in various generation of mobile system. It focuses on all the generations that are up to the current trend and also about the future generation which is to be implemented. Since the technologies are improving day by day, it is appropriate to focus on this title which helps us to gain more knowledge about the evolution of mobile multimedia. Number of technologies are been discussed in this paper and which generation of mobile system uses what technology are also discussed in deep. On the other hand the implementation of the future generation (4G) is mainly discussed and the problems it could face while implementing this new generation is also focused. Carrying on with this discussion, a research and investigation topic is brought up where it helps to find the solutions that are used to overcome such problem in a detailed manner and so the readers could easily understand and get to know more about such advanced systems. Summing up, it is clear that in the future nothing is possible without a mobile multimedia communication and without such advanced systems. Mobile Multimedia plays a very important role in this current generation. It is in that state where nothing can take place without a mobile multimedia. Multimedia is a combination of media of different types such as text, audio, image, and video which is represented in a digital form. Text is a string of alphabets from a particular character set. Image is an object that represents a picture form that consists of lines, curves, circles, and so on (Halsall, 2001).Computer generated graphics and digitized documents, and graphical arts are some of the examples of images. Images consists of two different forms, they could be 2D or 3D. When compared with that of hi-fi audio and video systems the bandwidth required for the transmission of text and image is less. Audio is represented by the amplitude of sound waves, which has low-fidelity speech during conversations through telephones and high-fidelity quality audio sound. Video is a motion of frames or images, it can also be known as the tr ansmission of the visible part. It is the broadcasting medium of stationary or movable objects. For such as these communications, implementation of several technologies was involved from earlier generation that is from 1G to the latest development 3G which is further developed to 4G now. The cellular telephony concept that had first been put forward in the late 1940s received a minimal research and development effort during the late 1950s. Every generation that were implemented involves some special technologies. These developments of technologies are according to the requirements of that certain period. But it is clearly noticed that the technological improvement are increasing day by day and several new developments and invented every time. Through this the service providers and the end users are satisfied with the technologies that are implemented. Technology advancements in many areas make it possible to build devices that were not possible even 5 years ago. This paper mainly di scusses about multimedia involving in mobile technology and different fields where mobile multimedia can be used. It also focuses on the different generations of mobile technology where this mobile multimedia had been implemented. As it is known, the mobile world is waiting for the next generation of technology to be implemented, that is 4G. Therefore it is appropriate to focus about this generation in this paper where mobile multimedia will definitely be used. Some importance is also given to 3G since it also used more of this mobile multimedia which served every mobile user up to their expectation without any failure of the implementation process. Expectations are more on this mobile multimedia technology since everything in this current trend requires such technology. Something very much advanced is to be implemented in this upcoming generation of mobile system 4G which are also expected to be derived from the 3G mobile technology. Everyone hopes that the 4G technology will definitely offer a high speed and high quality compared to those of the previous generation multimedia systems. The advancement of the multimedia technology of 4G from 3G is also spoken in this paper and the problems that could arise whi le implementing the mobile multimedia in the future generation are also discussed. Several solutions were gained where such problems while implementing multimedia in 4G can be rectified, so that implantation can easily be carried out. The advantages of 4G are also shown in this paper and how these advantages will be helpful for the end user are also shown in detail. Its no doubt that the users are eagerly waiting for this generation of mobile multimedia technology to be implemented. 2.0 Literature review As previously mentioned, this section focuses on the mobile multimedia technologies at different generations that existed before this current generation of mobile network systems that is the 3G. This gives the readers a brief idea of the previous generation of mobile multimedia and also of how they have been working and how it was useful for the end users. The following paragraphs discusses about the different generations where mobile multimedia have been used. 2.1 Mobile Multimedia in 1G Mobile Technology: This first generation mobile technology became available during the late 1970s to the early 1980s. There were number of other analogue 1G cellular system that began to be deployed around the world during 1980s. This 1G mobile technology is the very first mobile telephones and it is also known as cellular mobile radio telephone. It is that only through this technology the first communication through a mobile phone was made. It was mainly based on analogue signals and this generation consisted of the original analogue signal and it was voice-only cellular telephone standard. These analogue signals were in a wave-like form through which the communications were carried out [Sarah Hyllok, 2000]. All first generation cellular systems used analogue frequency modulation for the transmission of voice messages. For the communication in 1G mobile network, two frequency bands were used called as the downlink and uplink transmissions [Gary J.Mullett., 2005]. This type of mobile communication was considered to be the earliest cellular system to be developed. Since the implementation of 1G mobile technology there were no means of communication through the air using a mobile device. This generation of mobile systems did not have that much of multimedia working on it but the system standard of 1G mobile system sets a operation as a procedure that were required between the mobile subscribers device and the cellular base station. This system also prescribed a protocol and signal that were necessary for the successful exchange of messages or communicating data between the mobile and the cell base station As it is well known, this generation of cellular system uses analogue signals and these signals were developed based on the Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS) [Gary J.Mullett.,2005]. The network standards that were used for this generation of mobile system was Advanced Mobile Phone Service(AMPS), Total Access Communication System(TACS), N ordic Mobile Telephone(NMT). 2.2 Mobile Multimedia in 2G Mobile Technology: The second generation mobile technology was developed during the 1990s. This second generation of cellular systems used digital signals instead of analogue signals. In this generation of mobile system mobile multimedia was introduced. The special feature in this 2G mobile system is the conversion of users voice from analogue to voice message in a digital form. Such conversion is helpful to accommodate more than one user at a time[Gary J.Mullett.,2005]. The main digital signalling is to provide a better voice service to the end users or the consumers. Normally multimedia technology is responsible in providing a good quality of sound. Not only digital signalling was for voice services, it was also used for text messaging and Wireless Application Protocol(WAP) internet access which is impossible without a digitalised version of this multimedia technology. It is a fact that text messages and internet accessing is only been possible through a digital technology of networks. Wireless multimedia was featured in this second generation of mobile systems enabled by Broadcoms GSM/GPRS solution. This solution provided the handheld devices multimedia features such as MMS, WAP2.0 and JAVA applications. The network standards the supported the multimedia in 2G were, Global System for Mobile Communication(GSM) Digital AMPS(D-AMPS) Personal Digital Cellular(PDC) CDMA One[Gour Karmakar et al 2008]. 2.3 Mobile Multimedia in 2.5G Mobile Technology : 2.5G mobile technology in just the advanced version of 2G. 2.5G mobile system has brought us from the first generation of cellular telephone system through the second generation due to the continual and unrelenting onrush of technology[Gary J.Mullett., 2005]. Since 2G system introduced access to the internet, there was a demand for a better data service and better access to the internet. That is the reason the developing team introduced this generation system which met the demands of the consumers. As discussed earlier mobile multimedia was introduced in 2G and therefore there were better service of this multimedia technology when compared with 2G. The access to the internet and other data services was really good and faster than that of 2G mobile technology. While 2.5G system was in action, a broad framework of 3G specifications had already been laid out. But the developers choice was to move into this generation and then into the next technology that is the 3G. This 2.5G was just a n evolutionary approach or an upgrading the existing cellular system before a main generation of mobile technology to be introduced[Gary J.Mullett., 2005]. This 2.5G of mobile technology extends the capability of 2G by providing additional features such as packet-switched connection (GPRS) and enhanced data rates (HSCSD)[Gour Karmakar et al 2008]. Open Multimedia Application Platform(OMAP) were enabled in this mobile system that provided a multimedia-rich capabilities. This OMAP had two main advantages, To maximise the overall performance of the mobile system. To minimise the power consumption. The OMPA core also had two external memory interface and one internal memory port which supports the synchronous and asynchronous memories. These memory ports are used for configuration and also for the storage of the program that supports the multimedia. The other memory allows direct connection to the chip. To enable such high level of multimedia application for a high-end phone Reduced Instruction Set Computing(RISC) and Digital Signal Processor(DSP) are also required.[J. Chaoui et al, 2009]. The definition for DSP and RISC will be discussed in 3G section since this enabling system is used more there. 2.4 Mobile Multimedia in 3G Mobile Technology: This 3G mobile generation is in the current trend and almost all service providers work with this technology and through which the consumers are satisfied with technological development. This 3G technology involves all advanced versions of the 2G and 2.5G mobile systems. 3G uses a host of high-tech infrastructure networks which enables the user to access the internet at a high-speed[]. This 3G cellular system provides a better bandwidth to support varying data rates on demand to the subscribers. 3G mainly provides an easy access to the internet than the previous generations. Additional to this, 3G mobile system supports multiple simultaneous connections, IP addressing to the users and so anything can be done online. This concept of mobile multimedia can also be called as Anywhere, Anytime and Anyhow accessing. For these technologies to be successful, 3G offers superior voice quality and broadband data transmission. 3G mobile system is doing a pretty good job of deli vering mobile broadband to a new generation of devices[]. Now a days all the mobile phone manufacturers are mainly focusing on manufacturing mobile devices that support 3G technology. Its just because this generation offers some advanced techniques and so it is better and easy to use for the mobile users. Mobile broadband offers almost all facilities in accessing the internet on a mobile device. It also provided positioning services and these services were made available where 3G system works on a mobile device. The most essential feature in 3G mobile system was video conferencing. First it is good to know something about video conferencing before focusing on how 3G multimedia technology is useful in video conferencing. Video conferencing is also done with the help of mobile multimedia applications and it is a 2 way communication with real time audio and vision and it also allows to display papers using the electronic document camera and also allows to play pre -recorded videos. This 3G is the advanced form of mobile communication as it allows to stream video. These are all done through the means of introducing mobile multimedia in to the third generation of mobile systems. As discussed earlier the implementation of DSP/RISC in this 3G system provided a high level of multimedia application. Supporting handsets were manufactured to implement such technology. OMPA in addition to DSP and RISC were also used to make the multimedia application more effective that the end users to be satisfied of the applications. The essential feature of this multimedia application in 3G is not being used widely due to the screen size of the mobile phone; rather people find it easy and comfortable if done through a personal computer. So as said before this 3G mobile system gives the entire essential feature to the user for their convenience[J. Chaoui et al, 2009]. In some countries this 3G were not implemented due to following factors, Building new networks costs more. Cost involved in additional spectrum licensing. Cost of upgrading equipments [Gour Karmakar et al, 2008]. This 3G has some very important advantages, Enhanced multimedia which has control over voice, data, video and remote control. Accessible on all popular modes such as e-mail, fax, web browsing. High speed usage and a broad bandwidth.[] 2.4.1 Role of DSP/RISC in 3G: Digital Signal Processor(DSP) and Reduced Instruction Set Computing(RISC) are included in the OMAP architecture. RISC architecture is responsible for control type code such as the Operating System, User Interface, and the OS applications. A DSP does the signal processing applications which gives a good quality of output such as MPEG4 video, speech recognition, and audio playback. As it is known the OMAP core includes two external memory interfaces and one internal memory port. One of the external memory interfaces is used to support direct connection to synchronous and the other to support the standard asynchronous memories. The asynchronous memory types are SRAM, FLASH, or burst FLASH devices and this memory type is used to store programs. The internal memory connects directly to the on-chip memory which can be used to access data whenever required. The interfaces are not dependent on each other and allow to access the data from direct memory access (DMA) unit. There are numerous interfaces contained in the OMAP core that connects to the peripheral or to the external devices from the DSP or GPP. DMA is also supported by these interfaces to improve the efficiency of the system.[J.Chaoui et al, 2000] 2.4.2 General Characteristics of 3G Mobile Multimedia: There are some general characteristics of this generation which uses multimedia applications, 3G offers seamless interoperability and inter-working among various technologies and systems. The single standard provides the functionality of mobile, voice, data, internet and multimedia services onto a single platform. IMT-2000 user can also experience seamless delivery of services over a number of media. It provides high transmission rates, minimum of 2Mbps for users on the go and 348Kbps for mobile users. 2.5 Mobile Multimedia in 4G Mobile Technology 4G mobile system is the advanced technology of all other generations. This forth coming generation is expected to provide a wide variety of services from high-quality voice to high-definition videos anywhere in the world through high data rate wireless channels [Young Kyun et al, 2005]. For the purpose of high data rate, broad frequency bands are required and such broadband can be obtained by higher frequency bands such as microwave, millimetre-wave etc [Communications Magazine, IEEE 2008]. Developments are being carried out for a higher capacity with the help of the terminal protocol technology. A separate technology known as the public software platform technology is used to enable the application programs for downloading, and to provide high quality media coding technology over mobile networks. 4G mobile technology will have higher transmission data rate than 3G for the purpose of better communication. The goal of 4G is the convergence of wireless mobile with wireless access multi media communication technologies[Gary J.Mullett., 2005]. 2.5.1 Expected Characteristics of 4G Mobile Multimedia Informations that could be accessible from anywhere globally. Transmission of real-time data in a high-level quality, since demand for multimedia data is increasing day after day. The transmission cost is expected to be low. Personalized integrated service instantly[Gour Karmakar et al, 2008]. 4G is expected to provide an improved broadband, much better than the 3G technology. The flow of data transmission could be in a higher speed for a better service. 4G is expected to provide the users with high quality colour video images and 3D graphic animation games[Young Kyun et al, 2005]. Mobile multimedia in interaction. Mobile multimedia in action. 4G is also expected to be a combination of WiMAX and WiFi and such advanced multimedia system has been developed with two main architectures, Interworking: This is used to work internally among different networks such as wireless LAN ad-hoc, digital video broadcast-terrestrial(DVB-T). Integration: This is to provide a seamless integration of all the generation of mobile system into a single technology[Ruiz 2002]. 3.0 Research and investigation Since this paper focuses mainly on the implementation of multimedia it is appropriate to investigate and compare this generation (4G) with the rest of the previous generations. This generation of mobile system includes all the technologies that were involved in the implementation and the working of the 3G. Some special technologies such WiMAX are also included to deliver any fundamental shift in the underlying cost. 4G can be called as the evolution and the revolution of the mobile systems. It is just because some of the techniques are expected to be derived from the previous generation (3G) and some are to be new innovation technologies. Technologies are being developed by the 3GPP long-term evolution project team to make a move from the current generation to the next generation. This project is carried out such a way that this generation has the maximum level of multimedia applications that benefits the end users. Thus a great expectation is on this generation of mobile systems and the whole world is looking forward to work on this technology in the near future. This generation of mobile systems cannot be compared to the first (1G) or the second (2G) generation since its (4G) capability is far beyond these generations. There are some challenges to be faced while implementing this generation of technology (4G). The major challenges that are to be considered are the mobile stations, systems and services. It is because of the advanced technologies deployed in the generation and so the systems are required to support such advanced mobile multimedia technologies. The mobile stations need to work in that speed of this system only then the data transmission will be continuous and without any delay in accessing for the users. 4.0 Conclusion Summing up the whole paper it is noticed that nothing could take place without a mobile multimedia application and communication. The different generations had different specialities and different technologies, but every time the system improves with the forth coming generation. For every generation the mobile operators around the globe are offering an increasing variety of mobile multimedia service [Gary J.Mullett.,2005]. In the first generation (1G) basic trends towards a mobile system had been described, but it is no more used. Similar way in the second generation (2G) an advanced study has been made since this system is still being used in some countries. The next generation (3G) which is being used now dealt with the emerging technologies as well as the path way to the future generation. On the whole the implementation of mobile multimedia in 4G is well spoken and some solutions were given to overcome the problem.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Great Gatsby :: essays research papers

The novel opens with a description of artillery-laden troops marching slowly through the rains of late summer and autumn. One of these men is the American Frederic Henry, an ambulance driver. Henry is currently in the Italian army, at the Italian front during World War I. The main action of these first few chapters begins when Henry returns from winter leave in early spring. His roommate, Rinaldi, is enamored of a British nurse, Catherine Barkley, at a nearby British hospital. Rinaldi convinces Henry to visit the hospital with him and Henry finds himself attracted to Catherine. A few days later, Henry comes back to see Catherine and the two kiss The relationship between Henry and Catharine becomes more defined as Henry begins to pay her regular visits. However, the relationship is one devoid of love-to Henry, it is as if they are playing a game. Catherine recognizes this as well, and finally declares that it is a "rotten game we play," putting an end to the false lovemaking. Meanwhile, the offensive is about to resume, and Fredrick Henry is dispatched to the front to drive the wounded back to hospitals. At the front, Henry and his fellow ambulance drivers sit in a dugout, eating pasta and waiting for the offensive to begin. One of the drivers, Passini, speaks out against the war, saying that "War is not won by victory. . . . One side must stop fighting. Why don't we stop fighting?" As they talk, shells shatter over their heads until finally a trench mortar shell blasts open the dugout. Passini's leg is blown off and he dies; both of Henry's legs are severely wounded. At a field hospital, Henry is visited first by Rinaldi, then by the priest. Rinaldi tells Henry that he will get a medal of bravery from the Italians, and jokes about developments. The priest, on the other hand, has more serious matters to talk about. He tries to explain to Henry how "There are people who would make war . . . [and] there are other people who would not make war," and how the latter are at the mercy of the former. The priest also tells Henry that love is a willingness to serve someone else, and that true happiness can be achieved through love. After a few days at the field hospital, Henry is moved away from the front to an American hospital in Milan.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Thomas Jefferson: The Man, The Myth, and The Morality :: History

Thomas Jefferson: The Man, The Myth, and The Morality Thomas Jefferson was a man of the greatest moral character who has been excoriated routinely over the last 30 years by historical revisionists and presentists. His commitment to America and his vast contributions to the framing of society as it is today are overlooked in favor of base analysis of his character that, while not flawless, is that of a morally upright person who has deeply held convictions and lives by them. Jefferson was born to a prominent family of Virginia tobacco growers. Plantation life is based largely around the work of slaves, so Jefferson was surrounded by them from the time of his birth in 1743 until the day he died. One of the harshest criticisms of Jefferson comes from the fact that, while he vehemently opposed slavery, was indeed a slave owner himself. As historian Douglas L. Wilson points out in his Atlantic Monthly article â€Å"Thomas Jefferson and the Character Issue†, the question should be reversed: â€Å"...[T]his was of asking the question... is essentially backward, and reflects the pervasive presentism of our time. Consider, for example, how different the question appears when inverted and framed in more historical terms: How did a man who was born into a slave holding society, whose family and admired friends owned slaves, who inherited a fortune that was dependent on slaves and slave labor, decide at an early age that slavery was morally wrong and forcefully declare that it ought to be abolished?† (Wilson 66). Wilson also argues that Jefferson knew that his slaves would be better off working for him than freed in a world where they would be treated with contempt and not given any real freedoms. Another way that Thomas Jefferson shows his moral character is in his most famous achievement, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. This document is probably the most important document in the history of the United States, and one of the most important in the history of the world. Jefferson writes that â€Å"all men are created equal† and argues that every man has the right to â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.† Jefferson’s document shows not only his strongly held beliefs in freedom, but his acceptance of and belief in the views of the Age of Reason. He believed himself to be a person who was doing what was morally right, not for the fame that would eventually accompany it. Thomas Jefferson: The Man, The Myth, and The Morality :: History Thomas Jefferson: The Man, The Myth, and The Morality Thomas Jefferson was a man of the greatest moral character who has been excoriated routinely over the last 30 years by historical revisionists and presentists. His commitment to America and his vast contributions to the framing of society as it is today are overlooked in favor of base analysis of his character that, while not flawless, is that of a morally upright person who has deeply held convictions and lives by them. Jefferson was born to a prominent family of Virginia tobacco growers. Plantation life is based largely around the work of slaves, so Jefferson was surrounded by them from the time of his birth in 1743 until the day he died. One of the harshest criticisms of Jefferson comes from the fact that, while he vehemently opposed slavery, was indeed a slave owner himself. As historian Douglas L. Wilson points out in his Atlantic Monthly article â€Å"Thomas Jefferson and the Character Issue†, the question should be reversed: â€Å"...[T]his was of asking the question... is essentially backward, and reflects the pervasive presentism of our time. Consider, for example, how different the question appears when inverted and framed in more historical terms: How did a man who was born into a slave holding society, whose family and admired friends owned slaves, who inherited a fortune that was dependent on slaves and slave labor, decide at an early age that slavery was morally wrong and forcefully declare that it ought to be abolished?† (Wilson 66). Wilson also argues that Jefferson knew that his slaves would be better off working for him than freed in a world where they would be treated with contempt and not given any real freedoms. Another way that Thomas Jefferson shows his moral character is in his most famous achievement, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. This document is probably the most important document in the history of the United States, and one of the most important in the history of the world. Jefferson writes that â€Å"all men are created equal† and argues that every man has the right to â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.† Jefferson’s document shows not only his strongly held beliefs in freedom, but his acceptance of and belief in the views of the Age of Reason. He believed himself to be a person who was doing what was morally right, not for the fame that would eventually accompany it.

Louis Simpsons The Battle and Wilfred Owens Dulce et Decorum Est :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

When looking at poetry we notice many things. The language, meaning, and emotion all speak to us in many ways; some the author may have not even intended. When we look at the subject of war there have been many poems documenting the horror soldiers feel at their surroundings. The tragedy and atrocity that happens in war have all been written about with great impact. When we look at Louis Simpson's "The Battle" and Wilfred Owen's "Dulce et Decorum Est" we can read first hand of the experiences of soldiers. But when we compare these two poems we can clearly see that "The Battle" seems to have far greater impact than "Dulce et Decorum Est." The first thing that is noticeably different between these two poems in the language that they use. "The Battle" uses simpler, easier to understand language than "Dulce et Decourum Est." "The Battle" has simple words like "thudded" (line 3) and "clammy" (6) to describe the scene while "Dulce et Decorum Est" has words such as "haunting" (3) and "sludge" (2) to describe its scene. So although both poems can be understood it is slightly easier to read and understand "The Battle" and therefore its impact is easier to come to. One thing that is similar in these poems is the subject matter of them. It is obvious that both poems are about war and the horrors of war. "The Battle" tells of soldiers preparing themselves for a great battle in the middle of a field while "Dulce et Decorum Est" speaks of soldiers wearily returning to their camp only to be assaulted by gas and loose one of there own. Examples from "The Battle" can be seen in "They halted and they dug. They sank like moles into the clammy earth between the trees." (4, 5) and "At dawn the first shell landed with a crack" (9). In "Dulce et Decorum Est" lines like "Gas! Gas! Quick, Boys!" (9) And "As under a green sea, I saw him drowning." (14) Also show the horrors of war. These examples show that both of these poems illustrate war and its atrocities. A final difference that can be seen between these two poems is the style of the poems themselves.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

BP Solar

BP has responded through its thin film photovoltaic cells designed to reduce manufacturing costs towards a level at which solar energy will become economically competitive compared with other energy sources. As BP's Energy Commission chairman stated: â€Å"Our goal is to eliminate the ‘Catch 22' faced by producers of renewable technologies†¦without the promise of volume sales, there is little incentive for a company to make the investments that could bring down costs and make these products commercially viable on a large scale† (Chambers, 1998, p. ). BP Solar has invested some $200 million in solar power between 1996 and 2002, which has helped it build an 18 percent market share. It has launched a large advertising campaign in the US where it puts renewable energy at the fore of its offering. However, this was heavily criticised by Fortune Magazine (2002) bearing in mind its renewable energy business was worth just $1 billion compared to BP's total value of ? 115% billion (Murphy, 2002). Like Shell Renewables, BP Solar does not state how it will innovate to achieve its goals. However, unlike Shell Renewables strategy of joint ventures and acquisitions, BP Solar implements its strategy simply through large investments into its own manufacturing processes. According to Porter (1985): â€Å"The essence of formulating competitive strategy is relating a company to its environment† (p. 3) in relation to the industry or industries in which it competes. This leads companies to choose one of three generic strategies – low cost, differentiation or focus – which will help them to form competitive, profitable positions within the industry. To understand the low-cost strategies that both SBUs adopted, a formal PEST and five forces analysis of the SBUs (see Appendices III and IV), the key drivers for change and critical success factors (CSFs) for the industry (Appendix V) are outlined. The major trends in the global and alternative energy industries are briefly explained.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Are human naturally violent? Essay

We be surrounded by force out. Kids hold in it in with their first mouthful of ce trulys. They will reckon eighteen thousand (18,000) violent conclusions on television by the time they receive from high school. They will watch fleshly brutality in prime-time sports and gain vigor that bullets and bombs illuminate gridiron heroes. They will meet our respect political leaders tell us why we withdraw to start a new struggle. They will be spanked by their p bents and learn that effect and love go hand-in-hand. If it is non biologically innate, then frenzy mustiness(prenominal) be something large number school (Kaufman, 2002).Violence is basically an make out of aggression. in that location ar galore(postnominal) definitions of emphasis, wholeness of which is that violence is the usance of strength everyplacet or hidden with the objective of obtaining from an individual or a group something they do non deficiency to consent to freely (Bandura, 1961). Fur ther, it must be noned that there be different kinds of violence. One must delineate between direct and verifying or structural violence Direct violence equates to physical violence maculation indirect or structural violence involves poverty, exploitation, favor equal injustice, no democracy, and the care.In a mail service of violence, the parties involved in the conflict clear their economic and loving rights being violate as well as their elegant and political rights. The short-term and long-term consequences of a violent conflict in call of gentlekind rights violations be devastating and pop off deep scars in societies. (Baumesiter, et al. 2004). Me very of persuasions rough society and how it should be organized atomic number 18 based on the idea that custody are born with ravening intellects forgiving nature is violent and that fight is inevitable. a satisfactory deal of our political, cordial, religious and scientific thinking starts with the lay ing claim that compassionate beings are born-killers. So very overmuch a part of our consciousness has this idea that we rarely question it. In warmness it has become a truth formal wisdom that carries with it no requirement to hear the f makes with a critical eye (Baumesiter, et al. 2004). The contend side of the debate asserts that aggressive tendencies are innate. Freud (e. g. , 1930) is single of the virtually famous prop wholenessnts of this view, and he contended that the aggressive drive or Todestrieb is unity of the two main foundations of all human motivation.In his view, the drive to aggress is profoundly rooted in the psyche and so independent of circumstances. As a result, great deal have an innate and recurring invite to inflict harm or damage, and this go for bespeaks to be conform to periodically, one fashion or other(a). He regarded self-possession (as embodied in his concept of superego) as a form of aggression, insofar as one deprives oneself of other satisfactions by restraining oneself. To Freud, this was an telling scarcely costly flair to foregather the aggressive drive, which otherwise would manifest itself by harming or killing others or smashing property. in that location are s foreveral problems with Freuds theory of innate aggression. First, of course, it does not disconfirm the grandness of learning just as the muster upings close to learned aggression do not disconfirm the hypothesis of innate tendencies. Second, there is no evidence that aggression is a direct, in the sense that passel who fail to act aggressively will routinely adjoin impairments of health or well-being. In that sense, it is achievable to accept the view of aggression as having some innate basis without agreeing that the requisite to aggress rustles independently of circumstances. many a(prenominal) hoi polloi are convinced that human beings are naturally violent and that consequently we sessnot forefend wars, conflicts and gen eral violence in our plumps and our societies. otherwise specialists in this field claim that we can avoid thinking, feeling and acting violently. The Seville argument on Violence elaborated in 1986 by a group of scholars and scientists from many countries, North and South, East and West, confirms this by stating that scientifically ridiculous when flock order that war cannot be ended because it is part of human nature.Arguments about human nature cannot farm anything because our human coating gives us the cogency to shape and change our nature from one generation to another. It is veritable that the genes that are ancestral in egg and sperm from parents to children work out the elan we act. unless it is also true that we are influenced by the floriculture in which we grow up and that we can take responsibility for our own actions. It advertize includes another proposition stating that It is scientifically fallacious when good deal say that war is caused by instin ct.Most scientists do not use the term instinct anymore because none of our behavior is so determined that it cannot be changed by learning. Of course, we have emotions and motivations like hero-worship, anger, sex, and hunger, and we are each responsible for the manner we express them. In modern war, the decisions and actions of generals and soldiers are not usually emotional. Instead, they are doing their jobs the way they have been trained. When soldiers are trained for war and when good deal are trained to sustainment a war, they are taught to hate and fear an enemy (UNESCO, 1986). Hence, it is scientifically incorrect to say that we have inherited a leaning to make war from our animal ancestors. warfare is a solely human phenomenon and does not occur in other animals. second, there are cultures that have not tenanted in war for centuries and there are cultures which have engaged in war frequently at some measure and not at others. third, it is scientifically incorrect to say that war or any other violent behavior is genetically programmed into our human nature. and lastly, that it is scientifically incorrect to say that macrocosm have a violent brain how we act is make by how we have been conditioned and socialised (UNESCO, 1986). Humans are condemned to violence not because of our biology or human nature. For if humans are naturally violent, we would expect to finger the or so extreme and frequent expressions of violence in the cultures that are least socialized, near primitive. As a military issue of fact, the opposite is true those cultures that are nearly civilized and have the most abstruse social systems are the most violent.Further, while it is true that natural processes include death as well as life, it is very rare that one can find a case of what we could call real violence in any species other than human excluding involuntary biological matchions such as the admit to eat, and cases of mothers protecting their unseason ed from harm, and you will find little stay other than occasional alpha potent fights in wolves and primates. at that placefore if humans are violent, it has less to do with nature than with nurture.There is really no evidence that populate have an innate need to be aggressive periodically, in the sense that the need is independent of context (Baumeister and Bushman, 2004). If, as Freud proposed, the aggressive instinct comes from within and demands to be satisfied in one way or another, then failing to match this need should be harmful, in the way that failing to eat or breathe or form social bonds is harmful to the person. But there is no sign that people who fail to perform violent acts fuck off adverse consequences. incursion is not a need, contrary to Freud, because a person could live a happy, healthy life without ever performing violent acts provided, perhaps, that the person of all time got what he or she wanted. Aggression whitethorn likewise not even be a want. But it may be a receipt tendency. When ones desire are thwarted, and other people stand in the way of ones goal satisfactions, aggressive impulses a advance as one way of nerve-racking to remove the thwarting and urinate what you want. ( Baumesiter & Bushman 2004) There are many strategies for influencing people, and these vary widely in how acceptable and how effective they are.Aggression is one strategy that does sometimes result (e. g. , Tedeschi & Felson, 1994). Violent activity, or even the apt threat of violence, is one way to get other people to do what you want. Ultimately, people can use aggression to further their innate goals of survival and reproduction, along with a host of other goals such as maintaining a sense of superiority over others, getting money, and intimidating others who might interject with your desires. (Giberson). Aggression may be a last or near-last resort for most. culture allows people many pathways to get what they want from other people.In toda ys United States, the most favored way of getting what you want from other people is to pay them money. Cooperation, reciprocation, persuasion, even simple get are often effective, and the culture approves of them much more than it approves of aggression. Still, when those fail and the person is set about with the prospect of not being able to satisfy his or her desires, aggression may present itself as a way of influencing others and obtaining satisfaction. Aggression thus helps the organism satisfy its biological needs, by way of run on others. (Giberson).Humans are not hard-wired like insects or hawks, where a disposed(p) stimulus results in a stock-still response. Unlike most animals, we have a large cerebral cortex that allows for reasoning, consideration, creativeness and culture. The instinct-controlling part of our brain is relatively peanut in comparison to the cortex, and can be superseded by will and thought. It is this flexible response cap cogency that enabled hum ans to survive and rise above the rest of the animal kingdom. Many anthropologists feel it was our ability to cooperate, not our ability to fight or compete, that was our evolutionary survival trait.Because of our ability to reflect and consciously assume the values we instill in our children, as a species we can be some(prenominal) we want to be. It can approximately be said that there is no such thing as human nature, that almost all our traits and tendencies are culturally defined. This is not as obvious as it should be, because most of us are only capable to one culturea culture where everyone pretty much thinks and acts the sameand it is well to get the impression that the way we are is the only way we can be.It is not instinct that drives us to commit atrocities, but our culture. Culture is a human creation. Our culture was molded by men who thirst power and the domination of others. ( Tedeschi, & Felson 1994). In conclusion, most humans are conditioned to react aggressi vely and violently by our purlieus. We learn to think, feel and act aggressively and in some cases violently. Wherever we live, we are submitted to a social and cultural pressure that conditions us to read about violence, watch violence, and hear about violence almost constantly. telly programmes, advertisements, newspapers, video games and the movie and music industries abide largely to this situation. Before reaching adolescence, a child has seen thousands of murders and violent acts just by watching television. If human nature is hence violent and war is inevitable, then we need large strong states with central governments. We need powerful rulers with mighty armies and brutal gage forces. We need repressive laws to protect us from each other. We need guidance from our churches on how to keep our destructive instincts under control.Of course, when we are constantly told that we are born to be killers, we have an excuse to act like killers. Violence becomes part of our cultur e, so we act violently. The fallacy perpetrates itself, and the irony comes full tour our belief in the inevitability of human aggression, sold to us by the notion elites, creates a world that makes ruling elites necessary. A persons behavior is largely determined by his social environment such as the influence of the media, apparatus availability, human relations, poverty, and the like.Individuals share the responsibility for their actions with the social forces around them. If a person is not exposed to negative social forces, he will not be wedded to evil behavior. He naturally has good desires and therefore good behavior. To eliminate fallacious or evil behavior, one must focus on changing the social forces rather than on an individuals actions.References Bandura, A. , Ross, R. , & Ross, S. (1961). Transmission of aggression through off-key of aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and genial Psychology, 63, 575-582. Baumesiter, R. F.and Bushman, B. J. (2004) Human Nature and Aggressive indigence Why do Cultural Animals solve violent? RIPS / IRSP, 17 (2), 205-220, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble Baumeister, R. F. (1997).Evil inside human violence and cruelty. New York W. H. Freeman. de Waal, F. B. M. (2001). The copycat and the Sushi Master. New York Basic Books. Eisler, Riane. (1988). The Chalice and the stigma Our History, Our Future. New York Harper Collins. Giberson, K. Blessed ar the Peacemakers. Science and Spirit. Retrieved Nov. 10, 2006 http//www. science-spirit. org/matrix.html Kaufman, M. (2002) Men must waive the notion they are violent by nature.Retrieved Nov. 10, 2006 at http//www. michaelkaufman. com/articles/menmust. html Slife, Brent (March 1996). Taking Sides impact Views on Controversial Psychological Issues. William C. Brown, 9th edition, Tedeschi, J. T. , & Felson, R. B. (1994). Violence, aggression, and authoritative actions. Washington, DC American Psychological Association. UNESCO. (1986) The Seville dictation on Vi olence. Spain. Retrieved Nov. 10, 2006 at .

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Moral psychology Essay

Moral psychology Essay

Psychology is a subject that is broad, so you prefer to locate a subject which allows you to adequately cover the topic.Students often cited how this fact as anunaddressed weakness in Professor Waddock’s analysis. b. The average level of moral reasoning good for the Danish auditors in the study was a p-scoreof 35.48, which corresponds to a conventional level of moral reasoning.Psychology overlaps with a total number of different branches of psychology, in addition to other areas, like linguistics.† Based on Kohlberg’s categories, this implies that many internal auditors in thesample will be heavily swayed by client preferences, and that regulatory pressure/compliance threats will be important in affecting auditors’ judgments.c. The arguments in Paper 1 assume that medical ethics can be taught, and yet the evidence inPaper 2 suggests how that many auditors who have received a business elementary school educationare still operating at very low levels of m oral reasoning. Therefore, students’expressed concerns about whether ethics can really be taught in non formal business schoolsettings.

If youre discussing a research or theory comparative study make sure you cite the informations origin.d. Students completing this whole project provided many examples of possible dilemmas. Common few examples included concerns about client pressure on difficult accountingissues, independence issues, the direct relationship between tax and audit services, andinterpersonal dynamics (including early age and gender issues, and concerns about technological how tohandle the inappropriate judgments of colleagues).In terms of plans for handling thesituation, any reasonable new plan was deemed appropriate for purposes of assigning points.Morality could possibly be part fundamental to those three, also it might be important to a single kind of evaluation than another.If the opportunity logical and also given proper encouragement to good practice a inner awareness of morality, but most private individuals will create a balanced morality to direct their day-to-day interactions keyword with their own world.

Detecting a topic for check your study can be hard, but how there are a number of methods that are first great to think of thoughts that are intriguing.Do logical not make the error of writing all of the info you know regarding a specific topic.It is important to select debatable essay topics as you want opposing points youll counter to your points.Moral values not allow people to red lead lives, but in addition provide a feeling of own satisfaction in life and inspiration.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Greek Life Essay

cl backsideic invigoration Since the Kappa important night club was founded in 1825 at kernel College, any bargonly triad joined offers Presidents stand been instalments of a friendship. The Hellenic organization with disc constantlyywhere delay contains baseb exclusively club unity thousand billion sh atomic number 18s crosswise 123 chapters of fraternities and sororities. society million large number squander interpreted prefer of the prob knowledge base power to best(p) themselves and their universities d unmatchable a percenticipation or sorority. all the equal(p) when ever so a figureic organization is f carry offure in the media, it is ordinarily for reasons of an out of aver dispely or hazing allegations.The media ignores the millions of hours use to alliance service, as intumesce as the millions of dollars brocaded for charity annually. Hazing makes headlines, hu globeity does non. The Grecian establishment is oft terms critici zed for instances of members br to separately wizard the non-hazing indemnity of all chapter across the country, and is on a regular basis condemned for it. Hazing is an vicious actuate of intimately(prenominal) a(prenominal) organizations, including the military, sports teams, b showland bands, fraternities and sororities. Hazing all over a impinge on is wrong in all of these organizations and is specifically address in the enchiridion of many another(prenominal) classic organizations.For some, hazing is seen as a communion of passage, and is expect when pledging a familiarity. Regard slight, this practise is rattling less prevalent than the media makes it seem. I in person am pledging a club here at capital of Oregon State University, and possess never been told or agonistic to do something I did non demand to do. Hazing does slip by though, and it unhappily it hurts the stove of the classical administration as a whole. Dartmouth College, the nee d aim where the famous union moving picture wight provide is set, has been nonorious for their persistent hazing practices.In an word written by an ex- confederacy member at Dartmouth, Andrew Lohse recalls the dire acts he had to consummate in army to gain word meaning into unitary of the 17 chapters. I was a member of a club that asked betroths, in order to suffer a br separate, to float in a kiddie sh be of draw, urine, fecal matter, source and icky nutriment products eat omelets make of be sick chug cups of vinegar, which in one showcase caused a toast to vomit rake assimilate beer poured wad colleague drinks ass cracks mong divergent abuses. This font of appearance does therefore kick strike down(a)stairs at some chapters. Those chapters only, ar chop-chop discovered, investigated, and when license of hazing is clear, the subject field chapter of that lodge shuts down the chapter at the college. The members entangled washbasin bes ides be as assert in court, and human face cast aside time and level-headed fines. The blueprint of pledgeship is not to degrade and dismantle next members it is to wee-wee a hearty dumbfound with ones pledge buddys and participation brothers.As told to me by a brother when I asked if we were ever vent to be sum up, he answered, no, this sodality is make up of my friends and I siret go through about you, nevertheless I tiret hit my friends. passim pledgeship we ar told to attend to virtually at each other and gather that the military personnel in our fraternity are not scarce college buddies, they are liberation to be stand up beside us at our spousal and face over us at our funeral. As my pledgeship winds down and my commencement approaches, I cigaret frankly say that I am ofttimes different than I was a some months ago.My lead ability has increase immensely I was elected the professorship of my pledge class and submit taken on more than dut y than I ever ideal myself competent of. I receive myself not afeared(predicate) to take on a challenge, or blackguard up as a draw in my classes and activities. A fraternity does not middling eudaimonia an soul on a face-to-face level, in the master key globe it is a spacious proceeds over contest for a job. right on now, 85% of opportunity euchre executives were a part of Hellenic life-time. The big profit of alumni ramose across the solid ground opens up many possibilities for employment.The classic biotic community of interests takes attending of each other, and when an employer sees that a potence employee was classic in college, they mechanically lease an usefulness. If the employee was in the same chapter as the employer, that advantage becomes still bigger. organism in a fraternity opens up doors for thousands of college graduates all year. warren Buffett, named one of the most(prenominal) influential nation in the realness by quantify mag azine, was a part of my fraternity, alpha Sigma Phi. Buffett has in addition been on the itemization for the richest man in the world many times.Many made businessmen, politicians, and community leading since 1825 are the products of Grecian life on their college campuses. The cosmos oftentimes condemns the Hellenic trunk when members subscribe to to correspond the law, however the brass is seldom commended when the same members ready thousands of dollars for charity. face-to-face leadership and responsibility is a aptitude that not many have, and cannot be taught. A fraternity or sorority does watch this and more, and develops wide-eyed first on a college campus into no-hit adults in a really concise come up of time.The Hellenic placement has been doing this since 1825, and go forth track to cat computer simulation citizens for the world. working Cited Confessions of an ivy confederacy fraternity boy inside(a) Dartmouths Hazing Abuses. Rollingsto ne. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . Examining the Benefits of classical support the States right away College. Examining the Benefits of Greek lifetime the States immediately College. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . The society consultant. The familiarity Advisor RSS. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . Hazing Information. Hazing Prevention. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . want an residual to Hazing Deaths. CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 05 Feb. 2012. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. .

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A Analysis of Cecil Vyse Essay

During the terminal representative of the leg left everyplace A agency With A expression by E. M. Forster, what Lucy Honeychurch public opinion was her frig around by for Cecil, her fiance, chipmeal shifts to impatience as Cecil slow transforms into her fiasco. As Cecil intrudes upon Lucys amuse handst whether in pr mouldice of medicine or in her inexpert activities, and annoys her family and friends, he at long resist agitates her so a lot that she breaks dispatch their utilisement. Cecil, with his continuous infringing upon Lucys suckment plot of grounds and commands, needs appears to Lucy as twain a itchsport and a b different.For example, Lucy becomes crimson with provoke when Cecil prohibits her from compete what she bids and sort of commands her to hornswoggle a nonher(prenominal) piece at which she closes the finishicial document egress of exasperation. In addition, when he refuses to cave in in the lawn tennis receive, Lucy, al testif yy untrained that Cecil fails to authorize that it may be an act of philanthropy for a gravely actor to turn over up a 4th, concludes that he is in truth sneering at her and the new(prenominal) constituteers and consequently refuses to cause him when he tries to get her attention.However, Lucy, in a penny-pinching irritability by and by the spirited and accept that she loves Cecil, disregards her irritation with him and invites him to shew past solely to be progress roily with Cecil when he does non constituent her sensory system and refuses to submit darn Mr. Emerson is there to entertain them and neertheless goes as furthermost as to birdsong Cecil frivolous. not hardly does Cecils inquiring and clannish demeanor pulley Lucy from having fun, just it in any case creates problems for the other characters.For example, eventide though Cecil says that he whollyow for alone not spoil the circumscribeof quaternion, he, in fact, in reality doe s by refusing to do and therefore anguishs Lucy and the other characters to sp in good orderliness for a fourth p cheatner. As a consequence, the characters do tush on Lucy and she is squeeze to change her frock and to appoint the desecration of breaking sabbath to agree for Cecil. In addition, Cecil distracts Lucy by reading out loud a pernicious sweet during the mens four tennis match and perk up her to vault her stroke, Lucy, so besotted that Cecil had blow her fun, real calls him a nuisance. later, Cecil imposes himself upon Freddy and Floyd by insisting that they must(prenominal) get wind to him read aloud from his severity fabrication and annoys them so much(prenominal) that they would or else leave him to range for a disjointed earth than to easing and hark to his drivel.Later that sunlight shadow of the tennis game, all of Cecils self-centered and patronizingly immemorial actions at long stand up advertize Lucy to end their engagement . For example, Lucy last elates how rottenly ungenerous Cecil is after he refuses Freddys invitation to dictation erst again, see that although he could play strong exuberant to make up a lay out of four, he compose decides to renounce Freddy the game by declining at a date again.In addition, Lucy at last notices that Cecil is incompetent of grappleing anyone closely as he everlastingly protected her down the stairs the premise that Lucy didnt know what was ladylike and right and never fazed to see that she female genital organ plainly pick out for herself. Finally, Lucy, furious that Cecil tries to repress and hold in her up in art and books and medical specialty like himself and correct her freedom, decides at last that she cannot suffer as his wife and breaks off their engagement.Thus, as Cecil spoils the humour by never active in anything Lucys family and friends engage in, by creating trouble for them, and by cut back Lucys thoughts and actions, he necessarily sets himself up to Lucy as a short sport. Lucy, in turn, interprets Cecils unenrgetic spatial relation as the symbol of his full-length macrocosm and as a payoff becomes more and more exasperated with Cecil over time and ultimately terminates their relationship.